

If you've just gotten started with the new portal (which currently is everyone) you have access to the month 1 materials.

Much of this is new. So, even if you are at different months in the lessons sent by email, it would be best if you try some of the new exercises in month 1 before moving on. We think you will find them fun and helpful.

So enjoy some of the month 1 exercises first. Then when you are ready request an upgrade by commenting to this thread. We're doing upgrades manually at this point. Eventually it will be automated.

We think it's better to familiarize yourself with month 1 first and then move on. That way you are not overwhelmed.

There's a lot.

But when you are ready, getting upgraded is easy. Just comment here and ask. We'll get to it right away.


cjdempsey / 7 years ago / permalink
Upgrade please

Hi Liz and Phil.

If you have more exercises that are accessible please upgrade me. Thank you very much.


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rabiya jamal / 7 years ago / permalink
Hi Liz and phill . first of

Hi Liz and phill . first of all really want to appreciate your work . i also want to request you for upgrading me . i will be really thankful .

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Hi Rabiya,

Hi Rabiya,


Thank you. We love hearing that.


I've upgraded your account to the next set of lessons



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rabiya jamal / 7 years ago / permalink
I am really thank full . I am

I am really thank full . I am very hopefully to get success through this program .

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rabiya jamal / 6 years ago / permalink
Kindly upgrade more please

Dear liz . I highly appreciate this programme . I am using it from last two months and things are getting better . I would be really thankful for further access to the exercises .

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carlanch / 6 years ago / permalink
Hi Rabiya

I'm glad to know that things are getting better. I've added the next set of lessons. You should still have access.  :)

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6oharas / 6 years ago / permalink
at what age is this appropriate

My son is 14 and thinks that this exercise is for really young ( elementary school) kids. I feel the same way. Are we correct?

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Yes, it's quite common for

Yes, it's quite common for teens to think this.

We can certainly understand why they would think so.

However the necessary skills that need developed are irrespective of age. It doesn't matter what age a person is if the micro-skill is deficient. 

We actually have 70 year olds in here doing quite well and seeing results.

In other words, the brain does not care about age, only development. And that is a good thing. If it were not true we would all be stuck with the same brain we were born with, which is what science used to think was true.

Fortunately these work at any age.

I tell teens it's a little like the old answer to "When is the best time to plant a tree?"

The answer is "20 years ago"

But the second best time to plant a tree is now.

Much better to be doing this at 15 than 15. 15 is much better than 16. And so on.

Doing this at 14 is actually highly advantageous. This is prior to high school when things really count.

So your son is in a great position to dramatically affect his future right now.


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