Stressed out


My daughter's teacher informed us of a problem the end of last school year but we gave it time to resolve itself and now she needs help because her reading and writing skills have not improved. Why isn't there more resources for parents out there! It is so frustrating to try to figure out a solution to reading and writing issues. I hope this program will help her.

seanandcath / 7 years ago / permalink
I agree!

We struggle with the same thing with our child. Seems like there are a lot of programs for math. We have like 4 different websites for Math. Our Son loves playing the math games on the math websites. However, reading has no games and isn't as fun to work on that. Our Son isn't as motivated to work on reading, so it is a struggle for all of us as it more "work" for him. We got educational testing and what the educational consultant recommended was many different things. For writing, she recommended a "graphic organizers", learning the meaningful parts of words- prefixes, roots, suffixes and grammatical endings and from a word study approach for spelling rather than a list of spelling words to be memorized for a weekly test. She encourages the teachers to use graphic organizers during instruction. It also says to get instruction materials ahead of time so we can go over it at home and to "pre-read" and discuss what you are reading to improve understanding of the material. Direct instruction for sentence structure should include practice with basic sentence patterns, use of C.O.P.S.- (Capitalization, Organization, Punctuation, Spelling,), Parts of speech, multi-sensory experiences, and applications.

The Consultant recommended www. - website designed for parents, offers information on a variety of topics related to learning and attention issues, managing family issues, promoting social peer relationships, and many others. Parents can chat with an expert, watch informational videos on a variety of topics and have access to a parent "toolkit' for additional resources.

Consider utilizing the Learning Toolbox website- parent or student section for accessing instructional tools in the following domains: organization, test taking, study skills, note taking, reading, writing, math and advanced thinking.

Other websites are:
These were all recommendations for our Son who is below average in written expression, sentence combining, sentence composition and sentence building.
These recommendations might help your child as well. However, you might want to pursue educational testing for your child. We got it done at the Center for Disabilities and Development in Iowa City, IA It was not covered by insurance and we have to pay out of pocket for it- It was $250, but well worth the money. Hope this helps!

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bishar hassan / 7 years ago / permalink

I have been There done that. Imean, I have gone Through what you have guys going through I was felt like I am not good enough I started believing I was a failure .Here is a help.

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